Designer Desk 2 Streamline Illustration:

Heads up! Yes, friends, this site is (as we said back in the ’90s) under construction. I’ve updated some of the architecture, but I’m going to be “designing in public”. If you spot anything weird, you are welcome to open a ticket in the site’s repo!

Hello! My name is Reed.

I am a front-end web developer in Philadelphia PA, specializing in accessible websites using instrinsic design and modern CSS techniques. I also serve as the Secretary on the Board of Directors at WPCampus.

I hold a master's degree in Communication, Culture, and Technology from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Georgetown University, focusing on popular media and horror studies. Within my graduate program, I've branched out from web development and explored other passions, critically examining horror media with regard to abuse, oppression, identity, and underrepresentation.

My pronouns are they/them/theirs. My 2005 iPod still gets a lot of use. I've travelled a loop around the country via train, and I drove the entirety of the historic Lincoln Highway in October and November 2022. I knit socks but I also have a bunch of unfinished sweaters. I enjoy tea and coffee equally, and I very much miss singing in a competitive karaoke league.